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Updated: Jun 30, 2024

We live in a world that is a village. Facts, actions, decisions taken thousands of kilometers away from us have a direct and sometimes strong impact on our lives. We are two friends who, today, live one in France and the other in New Zealand, thus having the chance to live in countries where our voices matter, where we can express our ideas and opinions freely and where politicians consider some of them. In our two countries, there are many debates, discussions, and countless possibilities to freely express ideas, thoughts, personal opinions through the Internet - sites, blogs, You Tube, social networks. But this freedom of thought and speech comes with people trying to lie, cheat, manipulate or trick you. They do it for money, to gain certain advantages, influence, or simply because they have been deceived themselves and now, they are also repeating the lies or opinions of others. To combat them, to make you understand what is really happening in the world, we created this blog. But also, for something more. Our goal is to give you methods, techniques, to know and understand your everyday life better. We do this both through the advice given at the beginning of each post and through the content of the article itself. Furthermore, each article is presented to you in English, French and Romanian. Thus, you can acquire or improve your knowledge in one of the three languages ​​used. Yes, our articles usually deal with events that take place far, perhaps very far, from us. They can help you better understand certain situations, certain positions, about who is telling the truth and who is lying, who is a real friend and who is not, who really respects you and who only pretends to respect you, who is fair and loyal and who can betray you at one time or another. We tell you very directly; it is true that political, economic or war decisions are taken by the bosses, the leaders. But, at the end of the day, they are all ordinary people, like me, like you, like us, like you. They are neither aliens, nor do they belong to a species other than humans. They are like all of us, so they think, act and behave like each of us. When we will understand how these leaders act and think, we will be better prepared to understand what is happening around us, in our surroundings, at home and at work. In conclusion, you have before your eyes a blog explaining to you what is happening in the world; giving you keys to live better and understand your everyday reality.


"Brigade" - is the basic unit of the Ukrainian army.

Brigade no. 1 "Fouls" - all those experts and scientists, civilians and military, university professors and/or holders of prestigious awards, who have been wrong in their analyses and predictions for thousands of times in the past, such as: with COVID yesterday (when they argued loudly that we must be locked down indefinitely. China did that and now they are in the middle of a crisis); with the war in Ukraine today (remember how many times at the beginning of the war they told us that the Great Red Army - the Russian army - would defeat the Little Red Army - of Ukraine); others (which it is not necessary to quote now).

However, that doesn't stop them from continuing to lie and/or mislead us. Intentionally - for money, influence, or to pay off a debt to someone in particular - or unintentionally, by mistake, because they are wrong in their analysis. But in the end, that matters very little.

Brigade no. 2 "Idiots" - all the journalists, reporters and "big reporters" who discuss/debate so-called "topical" topics with the brave fighters from the "Idiots" Brigade. "Subjects" that, in general, are just a tempest in a teacup, artificially created by themselves. Subjects that, as a rule, are as far from what really interests us and is useful to us as the Sun is from the Earth.

The West – the countries of the European Union and those associated with it (Switzerland, Norway), Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea.

Global South – the other countries on Earth.

To comment, express opinions, talk to us, we invite you to write us at the email address:

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