Our advice: a lie repeated many times by one person or several times by several people ends up asserting itself as the truth. However, the Truth ends up being revealed, being known. As a result, the awakening to reality will be hard, even very hard. In order not to end up in such a situation, trust less in the words of some and others and more in what they do and how they behave. Use your eyes to see the facts and actions of some and others and use your brain to form your opinion.
Remember: words can easily lie to us for a long time. Through deeds and actions, it is much more difficult and can only be done for a short period of time.
Conclusion: listen to those who are around you or whom you meet on various occasions, but form an opinion based on what they do and how they behave with you and/or others. Carefully study their actions/behavior to understand when they are telling the truth and when they are lying.
A few serious errors
We all know very well that if Trump is elected President in 2024, the U.S. they will abandon Ukraine. Consequently, they will lose the war against the Russian invader. The "Imbeciles" and "Idiots" brigades have managed to convince people in this regard and there is no longer any doubt about that. However, let's remember that, on several occasions since this war began, they have made numerous serious errors.
Two examples
Firstly, before and after February 24, 2022, on numerous occasions, they announced to us that Ukraine cannot resist the Russian army - "the second army in the world" - which they nicknamed, almost affectionately, " "the Russian bulldozer". They were badly mistaken (probably because they forgot to inform the Ukrainians that they have no chance against the Russian army). Secondly, in the spring of 2022, after losing the battle for Kyiv (Kiev), the Russians launched their main force in an offensive to conquer Donbass. Once again, the brave fighters of the "Imbeciles" Brigade predicted that the victory of the Russians was certain. Once again, they were seriously mistaken, the Russians being categorically beaten. It is also necessary to remember that they were not able to anticipate either the "drone attacks" initiated by the Ukrainians, nor the offensive in the fall of 2022 from Eastern Ukraine, nor the unconventional naval war in the summer of 2023 that led to the impossibility for the Russian fleet to maneuver in the Black Sea. So, the brave fighters from the "Imbeciles" Brigade, successfully accompanied by those from the "Idiots" Brigade, have accumulated errors after errors regarding this war. However, they also have one quality: they are persistent and don't give up. They are in error almost every time, but they do not give up and continue undeterred on their way. Good for them. Let it continue like this, from error to error until the final victory: an error of cosmic proportions regarding the probable behavior of Trump as President of the USA. in 2024, if he is elected, of course.
Let's be clear!
According to us, if he becomes President in 2024, Trump will decide to give Ukraine a very strong aid, which will allow it to win its war against the Russian invader until the end of 2025, the beginning of 2023 at the latest. As President, Trump will send Ukraine a torrent of "A" (F16 planes, ATACMS - missiles with a range of 300 km, Abrams - heavy tanks) giving the Ukrainians the weapons they need so much to definitively defeat the Russians (and which the Biden administration steadfastly refuses to give). Three "sets" of arguments support our opinion, namely: what the past teaches us; Trump's ego; the benefits that can be obtained in case of victory of Ukraine. Presenting the arguments now.
What does the past tell us, what does it teach us?
In 2014, Russia forcibly took Crimea and part of Donbass from Ukraine. The West's reaction was practically zero. At the head of the West, there were Merkel, Hollande, Obama and a certain Joe Biden (Obama's Vice President). Following this illegal annexation, Ukraine began an accelerated process of transforming its army. After Trump becomes president, the Americans get massively involved in supporting this process. Everything was done "unconsciously" - which explains why the brave fighters from the "Imbeciles" Brigade proclaimed loudly, on February 24, that "The Little Red Army cannot resist the Great Red Army". Error. On February 24, 2022, the Ukrainian army was no longer the "Little Red Army", but an army that had already made serious progress towards NATO standards. As a result, the "Great Red Army" suffered defeat after defeat in 2022. Ukraine was invaded on February 24, 2022, 13 months after Trump's mandate ended, and Joe Biden, Vice President in 2014, became President of the United States. And now, the $1 million question: why didn't Putin invade Ukraine while Trump was President, knowing very well - thanks to the sustained efforts of the brave fighters of the "Imbeciles" and "Idiots" Brigades - that Trump admired and respected him and was his friend? But "Idiots" will never ask this question, and "Imbeciles" will not have to use their few neurons that are still functional to give an acceptable answer. We answer, however: because the Russian invasion causes a lot of extra work for the US President, Putin wanted to protect Trump's friend, lest he burn out for his sake or, God forbid, have an accident cerebrovascular.
Trump's ego
We all agree that Trump has a huge ego. Knowing this, we asked ourselves: which end of the war in Ukraine will be better for his ego? What will the Russians do for this if they win the war, because Trump stops helping Ukraine? Nothing, of course, they will say that they will have won due to the superiority of their army, their weaponry, especially the wise leadership of Putin. So, ZERO satisfaction for Trump's ego. Instead, if Trump gives them massive aid and the Ukrainians win the war, imagine how he will cover him with honors: hundreds, if not thousands, of streets and buildings with his name, maybe even towns and cities. Hundreds and hundreds of cities and communes will gather to declare him an "honorary citizen". The highest decorations and a place of honor in the Heroes of the Nation gallery and so on. Trump's ego is worshiped by a country of over 40 million inhabitants - satisfied 10,000 times.
The benefits that can be obtained
Zero benefits for the USA if Russia wins the war. On the contrary, many problems, because an invigorating Russia will further strengthen China, which was already declared "public enemy no. 1" during Trump's first term as President. If, however, Ukraine wins the war, it is a jackpot for the USA, because of the following. There will be a "market" of 1 trillion dollars to rebuild the country after the war - more than 50% will go to the Americans. Not to mention that the Ukrainian army, hardened in more than three years of war, will be able to accompany and even replace the American troops in their missions all over the world.
Case study: China versus Taiwan
China begins to gather a huge fleet to cross the sea and invade Taiwan. We have option A, which is the one in which the US and its allies, including France, must in turn prepare several naval groups, aircraft carriers and other ships, plus planes in view of a very likely confrontation with the Chinese navy and air force in the event of an attack against Taiwan. Or, much more likely, we have option B. The Americans send a not very strong fleet, but, instead, they ask Ukraine to send to Taiwan anti-aircraft defense units and troops specialized in "drone attacks" - aerial and naval drones. Knowing that Taiwan has an enormous industrial base, you can imagine that, in a short time, under the guidance of Ukrainian experts, the Taiwanese will have dozens, if not even hundreds of thousands of aerial and naval drones. And then, answer the question: what will ffi the chances of the Chinese army, not to win a war, but, simply, to stay alive in the face of the very likely drone attacks carried out by the Ukrainians and the Taiwanese trained and guided by the Ukrainians?
Teaser - coming soon
The article "Biden and Ukraine: the big lie" is coming soon. This will show you how Biden and his team secretly work for Ukraine to lose the war against Putin/Russia.